About Us
Our dedicated Paediatric team includes qualified Paediatricians and Paediatric Neurologists, Neonatologist, Neurophysiology Technologists and a helpful and experienced reception staff.


Child Neurology
Paediatric neurology encompasses a wide range of conditions affecting a child’s brain and peripheral nerves.

Developmental Paediatrics
We provide expert evaluations and evidence based management of various developmental and behavioural problems in children

Paediatric EEG and EMG
EEG(Electroencephalography) is a non-invasive test to record the electrical activity of the brain by using electrodes applied to the scalp.
View photos of our clinic to assist with your child’s visit to our clinic. See actual photos of our EEG room, waiting, and play area. See the children’s creative art gallery.

Dr. Maina Kava
Dr Maina Kava is a consultant paediatric neurologist at Perth Children’s Hospital and privately at Paedswest. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians . Maina is an active member of the Australia and New Zealand Child Neurology Society (ANZCNS). She graduated from the University of Mumbai with several distinctions and a gold medal. She completed her pediatric training with a gold medal and pediatric neurology training from India, Australia, and Canada.

Meet Our Team
Director and Co-Founder Paedswest
Dr Maina Kava is a consultant paediatric neurologist at Perth Children’s Hospital and privately at Paedswest.
Co-Director and Co Founder
Dr Ravisha Srinivas Jois is a neonatologist and paediatrician at Joodalup health campus, Perth, Australia.
Neurophysiology Technologist
David is a qualified Neurophysiology Technologist.
Dr Ravisha Srinivas Jois is a neonatologist and paediatrician at Joodalup health campus, Perth, Australia.
Paediatrician and Paediatric Neurologist
MBChB, DCH, MPH, SpecCertCR(Neuro), FRACP
Eleanor is a pediatric neurologist and general pediatrician. She is a fellow with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians since 2017.
BSc (Hons), DClin Psych
Dr. Gail is a Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years experience working with children, adolescents, adults and families.
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Tania Bianco is a licensed Clinical Neuropsychologist, Clinical Psychologist and Educational and Developmental Psychologist

Contacts Us
We are always ready to help. There are many ways to contact us. You may drop us a line, give us a call send an email.
99 Central Avenue Mount Lawley WA 6050-
Contact Number
PHONE : (08) 92711425
MOBILE : 0431 976 260
Fax :(08) 51173194 , (03) 40593000
Email Id